Scotland: Your rights and responsibilities
A voluntary Code of Practice covers our pubs in Scotland, setting minimum guidelines we must follow to help support our relationship with our Publicans. It provides essential elements of best practice to ensure we always act with integrity and conduct our business legally, fairly and professionally with our tied tenants in Scotland.
Access the documents created to support you and your business:
The Pub Governing Body supervises the Pub Code of Practice (the Code), which describes the minimum requirements governing the operation of tied pubs in Scotland. The Code details standards for pub-owning businesses regarding the interaction with tied tenants throughout their relationship.
Our Punch Services Guide outlines our specialised, award-winning support services. Whether you are a new Punch Publican or one of our more experienced licensees, this guide aims to highlight all of the essential information, including the benefits of the unique deal you have as a tied Publican within Punch and how we will support you to become the best you can be.
Cask Beer Sediment and Saleable Volume
Cask/real ales can have a problem with yields because sediment builds up in the cellar during conditioning. The sedimentation process is known as the ‘conditioning’ of cask ales. When preparing the perfect pint for your customers, you must give each beer the right time to settle before dispensing.
Since you cannot serve all cask contents, each brewer individually agrees with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) their sediment allowance. Therefore, the cask amount you do not pay duty on is deemed un-saleable. Yields on cask ales will vary, impacting the number of pints you can serve from each cask.
Please note: All brewers have different sediment allowances (CAS). We have factored these into our prices.
To help you make your projections on your yields and returns, our Duty Paid Information on Cask Ale Guide will show you how much sediment Punch allows for its cask products. We have detailed the most recent sediment allowance respective brewers have given us. We’ve also provided a rough estimate of each cask’s saleable volume. We’ll update anything that changes as the brewers tell us.