A Publican from the North is celebrating after becoming one of the youngest landlords in the UK.
In 2017 Jed Howard started work at The Brook pub in Ramsbottom alongside then Publican, Steven Taylor. Fast forward seven years, Jed, who is 23 years old, has now taken the helm of the pub and is one of the youngest landlords in the North.
This is the second milestone achieved at The Brook as former Publican Steven Taylor celebrated his reign as the Longest Serving landlord in Lancashire before he retired from the business earlier this year.
With a huge desire to take the plunge and keep Steven’s legacy alive, Jed stepped into the role as Publican this April and has since been working alongside business partner Eleanor.
He said: “I knew that taking on The Brook would be a huge responsibility, especially from working behind the bar to running the business, but I’d always loved working for Steven, and I loved my job too.
“Eleanor and I worked together there, and both of us shared the same passion for The Brook. As she had just finished another role in the city, the timing couldn’t have been better, and it felt natural for us both to take the leap and join the venture together.”
Since April, Jed and Eleanor have been working together to ensure that The Brook continues to thrive within the community. Eleanor added: “All of our hard work is paying off, we both share the same passion for this industry and seeing people have fun, and enjoy the business you’re building is so fulfilling.
“Every day is different when you run a pub. We’ve formed some fantastic friendships over the years, and we’ve built up a great rapport with our regulars too. For Jed and I, this doesn’t even feel like a job because we’re both doing something we love.”
Whilst some minor changes will be made as they settle into their roles, one thing that Jed and Eleanor have continued to support is the pub’s renowned live music scene, which Steven had built up during his reign.
Becoming a hot spot for local artists and musicians, the Brook is a go-to place to showcase talent and draw in the crowds, and Jed and Eleanor are both keen for this to continue.
Eleanor said: “Steve built up the live music scene in the pub, which is only going from strength to strength. We host live music nights each week, and we’ve continued with the open mic sessions too which take place on the third Sunday of every month. Members of the community and guests from afar can take part and share their skills – It’s working really well, we’ve had lots of interest, and we’re seeing new faces in the pub too!”